Wednesday 11 October 2017

5 Books Your Business Will Thank You For Reading

Hey, Beauty Boss!

Trust me, I of ALL people understand what it’s like to feel SOOO busy with being busy that it can be a) hard to justify time to read, and b) hard to find the energy.  Well, last year I went through my first formal coaching program where reading was basically one of the “assignments,” so it felt like I finally had permission to slow down and really get into books.  It’s funny how “not into reading” I was growing up, but within the past two years I have become a JUNKIE.  The first two books that I was assigned during that program were The Platinum Rule and The E-Myth.  From there, I was pretty much obsessed with the inspiration, motivation, clarity, and know-how I took away with each of these game-changing reads.
After that, I pretty much became a sucker for personal development books… and thankfully with good reason.  According to 86% of wealthy people love to read, 88% of them read 30+ minutes a day, and 63% of them listen to audiobooks on their way to work.

Moral of the story: if you want to boost your boss-game, then you need to boost your book-game.

Here are my top 5 books that your business will THANK you for reading:

  1. The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It
    I. Love. This. Book.  Basically, this book made me not only look at my business, but it also made me look at how I run it.  It breaks down everyone you work with into 3 working styles: entrepreneur, manager, and technician…. and realizing what role you ACTUALLY play versus the role you THINK you play is eye opening in and of itself.  The book then makes you imagine that you want to franchise your business (whether you ever want to franchise your business or not), because in order to franchise, you need to have a prototype where every single piece of what you do has a system and process.  Without spoiling the realllllly good stuff, just know that implementing these systems and processes have become the pulse of what I do and how I do it, and made running a successful business way easier.  This one is definitely a must read.
  2. The Platinum Rule: Discover the Four Basic Business Personalities and How They Can Lead You to Success

    I used to think I was good with people until I read this book Tweet This
    I used to think I was good with people until I read this book. And the truth is, I was good with people, but now, I am ridiculously good with people (if I do say so myself).  This book breaks all the different business personalities out there into 4 distinct personality types and walks you through how to best communicate with each of these personality types through just about every business interaction you can think of from selling to them, to motivating them, to reprimanding them, you name it.

     It also has a cool exercise in the book where you find out what style you have (which let me just say, I didn’t guess my OWN business personality accurately at first, which is another eye-opening discovery) and has literally served as a guiding light in working with my team, clients, sponsors, and anyone else in between.
  3. The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness
    The title of this book really sums it all up perfectly.  This brilliant book teaches you how to tap into the power of daily discipline (this one is for you fellow procrastinators out there), how to identify habits that help you boost your business, and replace the ones that don’t, how to form healthy relationships with positive people, how to grow your knowledge by finding the right mentor for you, AND how to truly recognize the real difference between failure and success.  Basically, Jeff Olson teaches you how to get the slight edge that successful and happy people have!  Who else wants some of that?  I did, so I read this one, and it has helped me recognize when I am sliding into bad habits and snapping out of them.
  4. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
    Okay.  All of these habits that you learn are amazing.  I think the ONE that I will share with you is one that my dad preached to me as a little girl and resonates with me the most because I implement it into everything I do, and that is: begin with the end in mind.  Much like a puzzle, if you begin with visualizing what the end result is supposed to look like, then putting the puzzle together is much easier.  Same concept is applied to everything in life.  Begin with visualizing the end result, and plan backwards from there.  These habits are all simple, easy to implement (or at least for me), and definitely result in higher efficiency and better success!
  5. How to Win Friends & Influence People
    If you want more clients, if you want to grow your team, if you want your team to be die hard for your dream, then you need to read this book.  This book quite literally teaches you the top practices to winning friends and being an influencer…. but the best part about it is that these practices only work for those who come from a genuine place, and with integrity.  If you are coming from a manipulative place, these practices simply won’t work.  Hence, making this book the REAL DEAL to becoming an influencer and a winner of friends!
If you haven’t read any or some of these books, I HIGHLY recommend making them a priority!  And to make your life easier, you can use our affiliate links in this blog to get yourself on the road to boosting not only your business but YOURSELF!  Your business, your team, your bank account, your everything, will thank you for it!  Sound off in the comments and tell us your favorite books to help you boss-up!

Briana Dai, The Beauty Boss
Founder and CEO of Beauty Boss Network

YouTube Channel:

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